Los 2955
Xenon of Apameia (?), 6th century. Tessera (Lead, 21x20 mm, 7.80 g, 12 h). Block monogram ΞENⲰNOC within square frame. Rev. Block monogram AΠAMIAC (?) within decorated square frame. Leu Numismatik Web Auction 14 (2020), 1686. Cleaning scratches, otherwise, very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

A possible solution for the reverse monogram would be AΠAMIAC ("of Apameia"). If this is correct, the monogram could refer to the place of origin of the person signing, who would thus be "Xenon of Apameia". Considering the fact that some Byzantine tesserae explicitly mention charitable foundations, however, the toponym could also refer to a diaconia of the city of Apameia.
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Ablaufzeit: 17-Mar-25, 12:49:30 CET
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